Difficulty swallowing may indicate oral cancer. Discover more signs

Difficulty swallowing may indicate oral cancer. Discover more signs

Oral cancer usually develops silently and, often, is not discovered until the tumor is at an advanced stage.

According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), the incidence of oral cancer is low: there are about 15 thousand cases annually. But the mortality rate is high: 6,500 deaths per year.

One of the symptoms of oral cancer is difficulty swallowing. “The growth of the tumor impedes the movement of the tongue, making it difficult to perform movements such as speaking, chewing and swallowing,” says oncologist Andressa Teruya Ramos, who practices in São Paulo.

However, difficulty swallowing usually appears only in advanced stages of the disease. Initially, symptoms are usually red or white plaques within the oral cavity. “Oral cancer is often invisible. In addition to the lips and gums, it can occur on the inside of the cheeks, on the roof of the mouth and in the area under the tongue.

The doctor lists the main symptoms of oral cancer:

Cigarettes and alcohol are major causes of oral cancer, especially when combined.

Human papillomavirus and oral cancer

HPV has also been linked to oral cancer, especially oropharyngeal cancer, which affects the tongue and tonsils. “HPV is associated with six types of cancer: cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal canal and oral,” explains oncologist Wesley Pereira Andrade, president of the Brazilian Society of Breast Medicine (SBM) and the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (SBMCO). .

The doctor explains that most people's immune systems can overcome the human papilloma virus, but in some cases it resists it, causing a persistent infection. In such cases, the virus integrates into the DNA of an individual's cell and causes mutations that can lead to a tumor.

“The genetic material of HPV binds to the DNA of a normal cell and causes mutations in the original genetic material of the cell. The cell ceases to be normal and develops a series of subsequent mutations, which we call prostate carcinogenesis. Over time, so many mutations may occur that the cell turns Benign to malignant.

Experts stress the importance of practicing safe sex, while using a condom, to avoid infection with the human papilloma virus. Another effective strategy is HIV vaccination, which is available online and should be performed before or at the beginning of sexual life.

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."