Home science How can a rising continent sink the world?

How can a rising continent sink the world?

How can a rising continent sink the world?

Have you ever imagined an entire continent rising back to the surface, as if freeing itself from a great weight? That's exactly what's happening in Antarctica. With the rapid melting of its ice sheets, the continent is rising.a process that scientists call post-glacial rise. The effects of this could be enormous, especially for those living near sea level.

Antarctica has begun losing ice at an alarming rate, releasing the pressure that has held the continent down for thousands of years. As a result, the land has begun to rise.


Illustration showing how water is expelled from the continent. (Source: Terry Wilson et al. / Disclosure)

Think of Antarctica as a giant sponge: before, it was pressed down by all that ice, but now, As this weight decreases, the Earth expands again.This may seem like good news at first glance, but the truth is that this process is a double-edged sword.

According to experts, This rise could have huge impacts on sea levels across the planet.

In an ideal scenario, where greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced, land elevation could offset some of the sea-level rise, keeping ice in place longer and reducing the effects of global warming. In this case, Antarctica could contribute up to 1.7 metres of sea-level rise by 2500, a large but manageable amount.

On the other hand, If we continue at the current rate of global warming, the scenario becomes frightening..

As the ice melts rapidly, land surface height may not be able to keep up with the rate at which the ice sheets retreat. This means that instead of limiting the impact on sea level, land height may ultimately exacerbate the problem. Sea levels could rise by up to 19.5 metres over the same period..

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The sunken future

Rising sea levels could lead to catastrophic scenarios for those living in coastal areas. (Source: GettyImages/Reproduction)
Rising water levels could lead to catastrophic scenarios for those living in coastal areas. (Source: Getty Images/Reproduction)

This phenomenon occurs due to Antarctica's ice exerts a gravitational force that pulls ocean water closer to the continent.and create an additional layer and keep sea levels low in other areas. If the ice continues to melt at current rates, This attraction will diminish and water will be redistributed, flooding coastal areas on other continents..

This phenomenon is already having clear consequences. In areas such as North America, rising sea levels are already threatening cities such as Miami and New Orleans, where the rising land surface is not enough to compensate for the rising water levels.

To make matters worse, If Greenland's ice sheet follows suit, the global impact would be even more devastating.

As scientists warn, Land elevation will only be effective if we can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Thus slowing down the phenomenon of global warming.Otherwise, we are only delaying the inevitable: a future where coastal cities struggle to survive as the sea gets ever deeper.


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