If you're using an iPhone, you've probably noticed the Listen to Page option in Safari, which lets you use Siri to listen to the web page you're on. Now, Chrome for Android is adding a similar feature with an almost identical name, listen to this page. تقوم هذه الميزة بقراءة المحتوى بصوت عالٍ من صفحات الويب التي تشاهدها حاليًا.

وظيفة قراءة صفحة الويب في Chrome لنظام Android ليست متاحة بعد على جميع مواقع الويب. ستجد أن هذه الميزة تعمل بشكل أفضل على صفحات الويب ذات النصوص الكثيفة. To use, visit the website you want Chrome to read aloud, then tap the three dots in the top right corner and choose Listen to this page as mentioned in the Website option .

لديك أيضًا خيار التقديم السريع والترجيع لمدة 10 ثوانٍ. في الزوايا السفلية للمشغل المصغر، ستجد خيارين مختلفين. The option on the left side below the mini player allows you to increase the audio playback speed. يمكنك تحديد سرعة التشغيل بين 0.8x و4x. In the lower right corner of the mini reader, there is a three-dot menu, clicking on which opens two new options – audio, text highlighting and auto-scroll.

You can select the Voice option to configure the voice in which you want the text-to-speech feature to read the page content. Highlighted text and auto-scroll are two separate features that Chrome has combined under one name. The Highlight Text option highlights the text that TTS is currently reading, and the Auto Scroll option continues scrolling through the web page until the feature reads the last word on the web page.

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Last year, Google was testing text-to-speech (TTS) functionality for Chrome's desktop reading mode. ومع ذلك، فإن هذه الوظيفة لم تدم طويلاً ولم تقم الشركة بإصدارها علنًا. After removing this feature, you had to use a third-party extension if you wanted Chrome to read web pages.

Since Google is gradually rolling out this feature with Chrome version 125, it may be a while before you see it. يرجى التحلي بالصبر إذا لم تكن قد تلقت ذلك بعد. In the meantime, make sure you have Chrome version 125 installed, which you can get from the Google Play Store.

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."