Samantha Skogrand got a naked shock

Samantha Skogrand got a naked shock

In recent days, TV and radio personality Samantha Skogrand (34) has shared a number of perfect photos from a holiday in Spain.

One was able, among other things, to see Skogrande is in a romantic setting with his girlfriend in connection with a wedding in Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, and now the 34-year-old is sharing more details about the holiday.

Showing off a friend

She does so in Tuesday's broadcast on P4's “Radiofrokost”, where she hosts the program with Björn Farlund (59 years old), Michael Andreessen (51 years old) and Vida Lille Berg (34 years old).

She says she and her boyfriend were looking forward to spending some time alone at the beach, and they lay down on separate towels. She describes it as “absolutely perfect.”

Samantha Skogrand talks about moving on after a breakup. Reporter: Jonathan Gathaug Nielsen. Video: Nora Scavhoj.
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– In front of me I see turquoise waters, I turn left there, Bouri-Paris in Paris, that's self-evident, and I close my eyes half asleep and I'm in dreamland. But then… when I open my eyes and turn to the right, I look directly at the exposed stomach of an unknown Spanish man, she says.

According to Skogrand, he walked right past her towel, and was remarkably close to her.

- A new stage in life

– A new stage in life

“Yes, yes,” she thought, and that it was “pretty hot that day.”

– But then they arrived on the conveyor belt. Belly one by one. And there were many. There was no room in the air for a stray glance. “Where am I looking now,” I thought, “look away, no, he was there.” So there were 20 people wearing Adam's suit, and I thought, “Where did all these naked bodies come from?” she adds.

-And then I turned to see that we were lying at the entrance to the most famous nudist beach in the area.

New owner, new lover: Tammy Slaton found happiness again with Andrea. Video: TikTok/@tammyslaton2020
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Dagbladet has so far been unsuccessful in getting a comment from Samantha Skogrand.

As we previously reported, the 34-year-old also showed off his girlfriend in photos from the Spain trip. There you can see two doves cuddling in romantic surroundings.

The podcast confirmed the relationship in January after several people speculated whether she had found happiness again.

- It works surprisingly well

– It works surprisingly well

– I can reveal that I have a boyfriend, she said during the “Radiofrokost” program on P4.

Skogrand was previously engaged to former biathlon star Emil Hegle Svendsen (38). They went their separate ways after nearly ten years a little over a year ago.

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By Bond Robertson

"Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer."