The average monthly salary in the public service grows by 6%, reaching 1,730 euros in January – Economy

The average monthly salary in the public service grows by 6%, reaching 1,730 euros in January – Economy

“In January 2024, the value of the average monthly basic wage for full-time workers in the public administration sector was €1,730.2, corresponding to an overall average variance of more than 4.3% compared to the reference month of the previous quarter (October 2023) and an annual variance of 6.4% “, as stated in the Statistical Summary of Public Employment issued by the Directorate General of Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP).

The combined effect of the entry and exit of workers at different wage levels, the valuation measures adopted for workers in the public service and the updating of the value of the minimum wage to 820 euros and the value of the public administration wage base to 821.83 euros.

The professional career of other security personnel in regional and local administration stands out (22.5%).

The average monthly earnings in public administrations are estimated at 2,043.5 euros in January, an increase of 3.7% compared to the previous quarter and 6.6% compared to the same period last year.

Increases in average monthly basic salary and other components, such as benefits and regular supplements, contributed to the variation from year to year.

“The earnings component related to overtime payments shows a slight decline,” he explained.

Regarding the average monthly income (comparison on an annual basis), the positions of Firefighter (44.7%), PJ – Judicial Police (28.5%), and PSP – Public Security Police (28.5%) stand out.

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By Andrea Hargraves

"Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja."