Maceió Health (SMS) promoted on Tuesday (2) a lecture on cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) for professionals working in primary care in the capital. The main objective of the event, organized by the municipal emergency and emergency network, was to showcase the flow of assistance to users suffering from stroke, in addition to training workers to correctly recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease.
The technical coordinator of the municipal emergency and emergency network, Idris Rigo, stressed the importance of improving the behavior of professionals to serve SUS users in a firm and qualified manner.
“We know that a stroke can lead to very serious conditions, but we also realize that when detected in time, there is a good chance that the patient will recover without major problems. Therefore, we are here to prepare specialists to recognize the signs and symptoms in time,” the coordinator explained. “In addition to knowing the places to which the user can be referred to receive appropriate care.”
Healthcare Director, Allied Ricardo, praised the positive impact that strengthening the relationship between the core network, the emergency network and primary care has on the quality of care for SUS users.
“We believe that this integration between the emergency network and the primary care network can only lead to excellent results for the work process and, consequently, for the SUS user. Moments like this awaken our vision and give us the motivation to return to our jobs with a new perspective,” he noted.
To give the lecture, neurologist Thesa Avellino participated in the event. The doctor talked to participants about topics such as recognizing signs and symptoms, types of stroke, and the causes and consequences of the disease.
“Today, stroke is the leading cause of death in Brazil and rates indicate that for every four people, one person develops the disease. This scenario tells us about the high prevalence of the disease and calls on us to provide health workers with as many strategies as possible to know how to deal with “The problem quickly and decisively. This is our main goal of the meeting.”
Medical student Camilla Browers Kaur attended the event with her course colleagues to expand her knowledge of the subject.
“We are currently doing an internship at the Novo Mundo Health Unit and we came to obtain this qualification today, specifically, to learn more about the subject and to be able to add a greater quality of care to the users who seek us every day. We consider this subject to be very important,” said the student. For our training and future work as professionals.”
According to the Maceió Emergency and Emergency Network, in addition to the training held on Tuesday, the sector will offer a schedule of other qualifications throughout the year for health workers. The next training is scheduled for April 18 and will address issues related to basic life support.
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