WhatsApp has released an interface update, with new colors and icons available. The idea is to make the app more modern and visually attractive, as there has been no change of this kind for some time.
However, the official changelog is yet to mention the change in colors. According to the site WABetaInfoThe new interface features a new shade of green as the main color of the app, and the redesigned icons are available in the app settings or on the chat information screen.
The new theme became available to Meta messenger beta users in update for iOS. Some WhatsApp users on iPhone are already enjoying the new feature, which arrives in the stable update with build number 23.21.72, which is now in the App Store.
But the new look is being rolled out in phases, so it’s possible that many users will only receive the update in the coming weeks.
iOS users who already have the new feature can check the updated codes in WhatsApp settings. (Photo: WABetaInfo/Reproduction)
Other WhatsApp news
Recently, WhatsApp has also released updates regarding the accounts. last week, The messenger now allows users to use two different accounts on the same device.
Initially, the function will be available for Android devices, and no date has yet been set for its arrival on iOS. This feature is the opposite of the feature launched in April, which allowed the same account to be used on up to five different mobile phones.
All users now also have the ability to create channels. The application is testing other updates, such as the ability to play voice messages once. This is already allowed with photos and videos in the messenger. He also creates a tool for creating group events.
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