Federico Varandas arrives at Sporting’s AG team in Pavelhão João Rocha – Fotogalerias

Federico Varandas arrives at Sporting’s AG team in Pavelhão João Rocha – Fotogalerias

This moment promises to go down in history, whatever its outcome General Sports Association: Will remote electronic voting become part of the basic system or will everything continue as it is, reserved for those who go to Alvalade or can resort to voting by mail? This, in general, is the fundamental decision that the Sporting Partners will be asked to make today, in the General Assembly that will receive three more points. The doors to the João Rocha Pavilion opened at 9am, and Federico Varandas, President of the Lions, arrived 10 minutes later accompanied by João Palma, President of the Mine Advisory Group (MAG). Work began at 9:30 am, and voting closed at 8 pm, that is, 30 minutes before the start of the Sporting Arauca match.

María Teresa Almeida was the first member to enter after the Varanda delegation. It was re-affiliated in 2001 and highlighted register The importance of being in the General Assembly today. “I don’t come often, but I consider it necessary to be here today. I always support democracy. One person, one vote. I support electronic voting, as long as the security of the process is guaranteed.” advertiser.

José Carlos Reyes, Sporting’s sports director, and Thiago Pereira, volleyball player, also returned to general counsel.

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By Melody Gross

"Writer. Communicator. Award-winning food junkie. Internet ninja. Incurable bacon fanatic."