We live in the world the iMac created

We live in the world the iMac created

On August 15, 1998, A.J apple There was a single-body computer in the shops, the screen of which was built-in, and the back was made of transparent blue plastic. a iMac He turns 25 this week. It was an iconic computer, whose face everyone remembers. But it was also a revolutionary computer. The digital world we know today, including the smartphones we use, would not exist even if it were not for this device.

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was fired from the company in 1985. That’s when he started moving forward. When it was brought back in 1997, the company was off the ground. He didn’t have the resources to stay afloat any longer. So I needed a product. One product — and that single product had to be a hit, something so successful that it simultaneously boosted the company’s stock value a bit and put enough cash in the fund to guarantee some breathing room.

That year, 1998, was as far away as it was close. So much has changed since then that we often lose perspective on just how different they are. Many people, for example, never had a computer at home. There was already the Internet, of course, the network appeared outside the universities three years ago. By that time, many people had already convinced themselves that they needed to be online, but they hesitated. Buy a computer, put a modem in the computer, configure the network, and make the first connection. It all seemed very complicated. People hired technicians to do the job, and teachers to show how to get around.

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Apple’s first release after Steve Jobs returned to the company was the iMac G3, costing $1,300 filming: Peter Morgan/Reuters

The color of a jelly bean, this machine is designed to be non-intimidating. Something people are proud to have on their table. And he was ready to go online, everything is as intuitive as possible. We quickly forgot that the iMac is for the Internet. With him, Jobs began a creative race that would cement him as perhaps the most important name in Silicon Valley history.

In 2001, it was time to sell the iPod. There have been other digital music players, and just as with the launch of the iMac, there have been other computers that go online. But this one was easier to use. a iPhone It came out in 2007. It was like assembling an iPod and iMac with a cell phone. It was also the first smartphone. From there, the internet itself will change drastically. He will become mobile, sociable, and increasingly focused on photos. There are in the videos.

Apple is now the most valuable company in the West. If it weren’t for the iMac, the company wouldn’t have survived. Without it, and with Jobs at the helm, our online experience would be very different.

The launch of Apple helped shape today’s world filming: Paul Scoma/AP Photo

By Chris Skeldon

"Coffee trailblazer. Social media ninja. Unapologetic web guru. Friendly music fan. Alcohol fanatic."