Georgina Rodriguez Happily celebrating an important achievement for her sister, Ivana. The young woman managed to obtain a degree from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in Madrid A An old dream that has now come true.
Model and Businesswoman Companion Cristiano Ronaldo, he was attending the party, and couldn’t contain the feelings. Already on Sunday, June 4, Gio, as he is affectionately treated, went to Instagram to Announce to the sister.
Cristiano Ronaldo does not resist Georgina Rodriguez and comments on the photo
“My licensed Chima. I still remember when you were preparing for exams and the day you got your final gradeHe began writing, realizing that initial difficulties faced by Ivana Rodriguez.
“Your start in Madrid, Your course materials are paid in instalmentsYour endless days at work, at university, and a thousand hours on the subway, which you have made your study and dining room.Georgina confided.
“It has been a very long road, through which we have lived through the worst and best moments of our lives.she continued.But here we are still united and victorious. Again, you have achieved what you set out to do. What a proud woman and sister we are, we will forever continue to inspire and support each other. I love you seagullsCR7 partner highlighted.
In the joint photos, the moment when Ivana received her university degree can still be seen:
Georgina Rodriguez celebrated her 31st birthday as her “companion”