In 1962, Thomas Kuhn published the structure of scientific revolutions, It shows that science does not progress by the continuous accumulation of discoveries, but by intermittent jumps from an old paradigm to a new one. Each of these leaps modifies basic concepts of one or more disciplines and opens – or closes – different dimensions of research. The book promoted the word “paradigm”, which had not been used before in current language, as well as the idea of paradigm shift (Quantum leap), which is beginning to be applied in fields other than science. We can say that The structure of scientific revolutions It itself constitutes a quantum leap in the history and philosophy of science, by introducing the social and psychological dimension in the study of scientific research processes, as it indicated that paradigm shifts, to a large extent, suffer from resistance due to group dynamics (science is done by groups of scientists gathered around a model) and innate characteristics of human beings, such as risk aversion and distrust of novelty.
From Kohn’s reading, for example, he derives the perception that Galileo, with his new model of terrestrial motion at the beginning of the seventeenth century, did not encounter resistance of a theological nature on the part of the Catholic Church, but rather an epistemological resistance part of the scientific establishment of his time – of which the Church was certainly one of the pillars , given the ecclesiastical importance of university education, but was not confined to bishops or based on the Bible, contrary to concepts so commonly prevalent, but on Aristotle.
After Galileo came, in physics, Newton’s model and Einstein’s model, but the “progression” from one model to the next formed a complex, nonlinear reality. Kuhn believes that the Einsteinian model is, in a sense, closer to the ancient Aristotelian model – apart from the concept of absolute space – than it is to Newtonian physics.
Cohn wrote his book before the cultural revolution that will sweep the world in the sixties and this is the origin of what we can call today the globalization model or the awakened or politically correct, which affects culture, society, politics and the economy, and which eliminates freedom in the world in favor of a totalitarian system. This global model also strikes and destroys science.
At my beloved University of Brasília, in the mid-1980s, in a scientific method course, two colleagues and I (perhaps we were the only non-leftists in the environment) challenged the communist professor when he spoke of the possibility of politicizing the exact sciences, and pointed out the need, for example, for Marxist physics against bourgeois physics. It seemed absurd to us that there could be physics on the left and physics on the right. I remember one of my colleagues jokingly said: “What is Marxist physics? Are they going to force a redistribution of electrons between all layers of the atom? Marxism is made of absurdities and the imposition of these absurdities on the population, in order to dismantle people’s ability to think independently and make them subject to the control of a higher power. Marxism (which is the pilot of the world level) does not aim to replace Aristotelian logic with dialectical logic, but rather to destroy any logic, to eliminate itself. logos (Human thought and its ability to transcend the immediate reality) and replace it with force.
There, in the 80s, the new model grown in the 60s was already spreading, which has flourished today. An anti-science, anti-human paradigm: Politicized and politically correct science, the global science of our time.
Science today is subject to the dictates and schemes of a transnational elite, an elite that brings together the leaders of formally democratic states and socialized republics, billionaires and multilateral bureaucrats, the “apacheks” of the Chinese Communist Party and the makers of the Great Reset. .
We see the “science of globalization” working on climate, for example: data selection, tinkering with graphs, masking temperature drops (do searches using the terms “hide deterioration” and see emails of climate “researchers” leaked in 2009 ), mixing goals, recounting catastrophic predictions that never came true. The reality is that temperatures are not rising at the rate predicted by climate forecast models. There are no more hurricanes or droughts than there were 100 years ago. The recent and terrible rains in São Paulo have been a recurring phenomenon since forever, but unfortunately they cause more victims today, not because of the intensity of the rains, but because of the increasing unregulated occupation of the territory in the face of the indifference and impotence of a public power dominated by corruption. Under either of the previous scientific models, would scientists have already begun to doubt the theory that greenhouse gas emissions produce runaway temperature increases. Indeed, many honest scholars have been skeptical for many years, but these Galileans are condemned and abrogated by the world establishment, without even the slightest right of defense and consideration with which the Church treated the original Galileo. Why? Because the troubling model allows for the concentration of power in the hands of that transnational union. They create poverty and scarcity, make food and energy more expensive, increase individual transport and protein consumption, and weaken societies and economies (except for the Chinese economy, which can continue to burn coal at will, thus attracting diverted productive investment from democratic countries). It strengthens the leviathan of globalization and weakens individuals. Do the facts not support the theory of anthropogenic global warming? It doesn’t matter. If reality contradicts theory, then it is much worse for reality, as Marxist dogma dictates. And if the dominance of the media, universities, and research funding flows makes it possible to silence honest scientists and reward domesticated scientists, so much the better for those in power.
Those who control the narrative, including the scientific one, rule the world. “Suppose skeptical climate scientists pay oil companies,” laugh at the billionaire billionaires who make more billionaires by concentrating resources and power arising from the “energy transition” and now also from the “energy transition.” to feed”. The populations of “free” countries have thus been indoctrinated to ignore the enormous economic interests behind climate doctrine and point fingers at arguing “Big Oil Money” When some heroic skeptic still dares to raise his voice in search of the truth. Well, all files big money, of oil or whatever, with concern about the climate. We are confident big money, right?
The science of globalization also operates on the ideology of gender, as it prohibits the study of the psychological and social conditions of people, including children, who suffer from gender dysphoria, as the ideology dictates that they all be treated, in short, with surgical operations of mutilation and sterilization. The child appears with some signs of suspicion as to whether it is a boy or a girl. Do we call a psychiatrist? Let’s better understand what goes on in the head of this immature little creature? no! Pass the knife. hormone cup. Sciences! And whoever dares to ask, whoever wants to study – scientifically – the results of mutilation and sterilization, will be banned, excluded, and lose their positions and certificates.
In the Covid pandemic, the science of globalization has established the doctrines we know so well. There is no early treatment. Insurance is a must. Vaccines save lives. What about the scientists who have proposed and tried, with apparent success, to apply treatment with cheap, nonprescription drugs? And what about countries that did not close their doors and had fewer infections than countries whose residents live in their homes? And what about the side effects described in the package inserts and the documents provided by the drug manufacturers themselves? What about sudden deaths or sudden “unexplained” disabilities in healthy young people? In the old model, all this would be investigated. In the new paradigm, sensationalizing these facts and trying to investigate them leads to imprisonment, loss of license, and reputational murder by a media-turned-colonial waking bunch of followers. In the past, science has advanced by recognizing deviations in theory and formulating a new theory capable of explaining them. Science today is “advanced” by cursing those who wonder.
Yes, we are immersed in a new scientific paradigm whose principle is not to formulate and test theories capable of explaining facts, but rather to manipulate facts capable of increasing the corrupting power of those who possess them. Climate “science” allows those in power to control the global economy by redirecting investments and impoverishing a population that has become more dependent on the state with the artificial increase in energy and food prices and the gradual end to individual transportation, among other elements. . The “science” of this type of literature allows them to destroy people’s families and identity, making them psychologically weak, passive-aggressive, and manipulated by the message coming from the central authority. The “science” of gender teaches societies to accept, hypnotize, the loss of most basic freedoms, the loss of autonomy in their decisions, the compromise of their immune system, and their right to ask questions.
Who became stronger after the epidemic and “taught” it? Big corporations friendly to power, governments, the Davos cartel, Latin American drug socialists, North American capitalists (who bizarrely won the post-Covid elections), Brazilian organized crime and corruption, China, and the society of control project. Who has become weaker, poorer, more needy? Individuals, small businesses, peoples, communities, the principle of freedom.
The science of globalization is one of the main tools of totalitarian progress in the world. The earlier science—which, among all its paradigms, was engaged in the true search for truth—has made possible enormous advances in the welfare of mankind and in creating the conditions for individuals to be free. The current scientific paradigm creates a miserable and submissive humanity. What they do with science will destroy civilization, and that’s what they want.
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“Wannabe internet buff. Future teen idol. Hardcore zombie guru. Gamer. Avid creator. Entrepreneur. Bacon ninja.”