Sydney (Australia), March 17 (EFE) .- The endangered endangered Australian bird has forgotten to sing due to a massive decline in its population because young birds cannot teach adult teachers “love songs” for mating. .
The rapid decline in the population of Regent Honeygrepper (Anthocyra phrygia), a native species of southeastern Australia, means that the young of this bird do not learn the mating calls made by adult specimens, according to the scientific journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society”.
According to a study by the Australian National University (ANU), in areas inhabited by large numbers of Regent honeysuckle, males release “rich and complex songs”, while in areas where the population of the species is declining, men simply emit tons and “absolutely wrong”.
“The inability to communicate with its own species is unprecedented in a wild animal. We consider the number of regent bees to be very low now, and many young birds have not found adult organisms to serve as teachers,” says Dejan Stojanovic, co-author. Of the study.
The fact that they can not learn to sing properly “seriously affects the ability to communicate,” says Rose Grades, a biologist at ANU, who says it could accelerate population decline.
“We know that a catchy song song increases the chances of birds breeding. Women avoid males who sing badly,” says Gretz.
The study also suggests that the song of captive regent honeysuckle specimens is different from that of wild people, so they may not be attractive enough to reproduce if released.
Researchers are studying the use of wild Regent honeysuckle audio recordings to teach captive people sounds, which help protect the black and yellow speckled bird, which can range in size from 20 to 24 centimeters.
Estimated as a few hundred, this bird species was listed as an endangered species in 2011 due to loss of natural habitat. EFE
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