Despite major protests: In large parts of Europe, residents and tourists must present a valid Corona certificate so they can go to bars, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and museums.

Shows a review of it BBC is over.
In Italy, many workers must present a valid Corona passport in order to go to work. The Austrians are in the process of introducing a similar system.
Espen Nakstad, assistant director of the Norwegian Directorate of Health, wrote in an email that this has no relevance to Norway at the moment.
– From the Norwegian Directorate of Health, we have not recommended the local use of corona certificates at this point in the pandemic. Nakstad writes that with about 90 percent immunity in the population, good access to rapid tests and clear advice on staying home if sick, we don’t think certification will have a particularly significant additional impact.
He adds that the directorate is focusing more on other measures for now.
In addition, we are now also seeing infection among the more than 4 million vaccinated. So measures that target symptoms and improve infection control may be more important at the moment.
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Needs a radical change to
Although a scheme with certification is currently unimaginable, the deterioration of the situation may make it suitable in Norway as well.
– If the epidemic changes significantly and national measures become relevant again, it is clear that the use of certificates and/or testing will be preferable to closing businesses and events. Nakstad wrote that therefore the certification was not phased out, but was placed in the digital “drawer” for the time being.
Are plans prepared for such a scenario?
– We have worked a lot with different technical scenarios and devices in developing the Corona certification scheme. It is entirely possible to adapt this as needed in the future. But we have not attended any publicity or media campaign regarding this. Nakstad answers: We will only do so if it becomes appropriate to resubmit the certificate for home use.
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the strongest italy
Italy, according to the BBC, has the strictest bridge rules in Europe.
There, Italians – and tourists – must submit a QR code (which is valid in the EU/EEA area) or a negative test to enter everything from restaurants to movie theaters, gyms and trains.
In France, submitting a Corona certificate has also become a part of everyday life.
There are also strict rules in the Netherlands. Everyone aged 13 or over must provide a Corona Certificate to access a number of sites. Only shops and sports arenas are excluded.
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2G and 3G signals in Germany
Many restaurants and bars in Germany have large handmade signs at the entrance. It says 2G. This means that only people who have been vaccinated (vaccinated) or recovered (growth) can enter.
If there is no such signal, then the Germans refer to it as the third generation base. This means that you must also submit a new negative test.
Austrians have been using 3rd generation certificates for several months, according to the BBC. In Switzerland, submission of a Corona certificate is mandatory and strictly practiced.
The Danes turned around
Denmark went in the opposite direction: the Danes revoked their Corona certificate in September.
The country was the first European country to use such a passport in April of this year.
At the same time, the BBC writes that there are differences in how strict the rules are, both between countries and internally in countries.
Some institutions carefully screen corona certificates. Elsewhere, one doesn’t even bother to ask.
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