A port of the original PlayStation game emulator, DuckStation, is now available for manual installation on Xbox Series X consoles | Not only can gamers play PS1 games on the latest Xbox consoles, but DuckStation also has the ability to upscale games to native 4K at 60 frames per second.
As noted before VGCYouTuber Modern Vintage Gamer showed you how to play DuckStation on Xbox consoles. DuckStation also gives gamers the ability to turn on True Color Rendering, which disables the white noise reverb effect that the original PlayStation had. Also, texture filtering can be turned on, which makes textures woven into 3D objects smoother as they get larger.
DuckStation can also fix fabric warping, which occurs when straight edges warp or vibrate as the camera moves across the scene. This is a common problem in PS1 games and it often appears in intense 3D games like Metal Gear Solid.
By default, games run regardless of the original frame rate. This avoids problems because these titles should not run at 60fps. DuckStation simply has the option of overclocking the simulated CPU. A recent antique player claims that DuckStation recently received a release for the Xbox Universal Windows platform and as a result, PS1 titles can now be emulated on consoles like the Xbox Series X | s.
The simulator is clearly not the official use of these consoles. If you want to use the DuckStation, you will have to put the Xbox Series X | S is in developer mode and install the emulator manually. It should basically act as a development kit.