This article is over a month old and may contain old advice from authorities regarding coronary heart disease.
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French who wish to enter places such as restaurants, cinemas, concerts and museums must prove that they have received the vaccination. At the same time, there are many opponents of the vaccine in France.
So far, the French police have revealed 182,000 fake Corona passports euronews.
French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin is warning residents that making, using or selling fake Corona passports could result in up to five years in prison and fines of up to 75,000 euros.
Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin warns against counterfeiting Corona passports.
Photo: Juan Medina/Reuters
The interior minister said 400 people are now being investigated by the police. More than a hundred were arrested in the case.
Accompanying Doctors
– The Minister of the Interior says that the main problem with forged vaccination documents is that doctors and nurses are complicit.
Proving it often makes it more complicated, writes Darmanin France 24.
Infection rates have been on the rise in France recently, and recent figures indicate 530 daily cases among 100,000 residents.
France has problems with fake Corona passports. The photo shows Prime Minister Jan Casteks at a vaccination center in Liukat. Next to him is a person who has been vaccinated and shows a real vaccination card.
Photo: Frederic Schipper/AFP
Concerns about a vaccine
The fact that many countries are considering vaccination obligations leads to an increase in sales of fake Corona passports and negative tests.
The background is that unvaccinated people find daily life more difficult due to the orders that affect them.
In Austria, the government has adopted a requirement to vaccinate everyone from 1 February. In Germany, the Bundestag will vote on a proposal to stick to the vaccine shortly into the new year.
Many countries are considering vaccination. The photo shows a protester in Lausanne, Switzerland opposing vaccination. The photo was taken on November 20.
In Greece, citizens aged 60 or over are fined €100 per month if they refuse to be vaccinated. In Greece, half a million Greeks over the age of 60 do not want to be vaccinated.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa says they are also considering vaccination after the recent outbreak of the ominous infection.
The lives of those who do not wish to have the coronary artery vaccine are also becoming more difficult in countries that do not immediately consider vaccination.
Many countries, such as France, introduce requirements for Corona passports at the entrances to nightclubs, concerts, sporting events, shopping centers and churches, among other things.
Corona passports are fake in the world
Countries other than France also suffer from fake Corona passports.
A Guardian reporter is said to have obtained a fake vaccine card for $350.
This is what they want to get rid of. Police in France are investigating a number of cases in which people obtained fake corona passports to avoid vaccination.
Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP
A person calling himself ‘Admin 24/24’ in Australia claims to The Guardian that he can get fake vaccine cards for ‘all countries’. The price is $149.
Watchman He also has contact with someone in Cameroon in West Africa who is selling fake Corona passports. He claims to have obtained fake vaccination cards for 250 people. The price is $170 and it promises the ability to deliver a Corona passport within 48 hours.
In the United States, a nurse was arrested this fall in South Carolina. She sold fake vaccination cards and risked up to 15 years in prison, according to CNN.
The 53-year-old filled out vaccination cards for Americans she knew hadn’t been vaccinated against coronary heart disease.
fake QR codes
Health authorities in many countries require Corona passports with QR codes. Counterfeiting should be safer and more difficult.
But the Guardian cites examples of fake vaccination cards with QR codes made by healthcare professionals.
The newspaper had contacted a self-styled “Stella Bright”. The person in question claims to collaborate with several doctors.
They work in the public health service, but they want to save the world, says Stella Bright.
“In a difficult situation like now, we need heroes out there who can protect humanity because our authorities have failed us all,” Stella Bright told the Guardian.
Police in France are investigating hundreds of cases with fake Corona passports. The photo shows Prime Minister Jan Castex with a recently vaccinated woman showing her vaccination card.
Photo: Frederic Schipper/AFP
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