The statements of Ottavio, the player of FC Porto, who received the Golden Dragon award for the best player of the year on Monday.
Speech: “I was thinking and I didn’t say anything I was thinking. It came so naturally, I’m so happy, I was looking for it [o prémio] long time. I saw others, and I couldn’t leave without winning this award. Thank God you won and now it’s time to make the most of it.”
Did you tell the chief that you wanted the golden dragon? “I never commented, it wasn’t my style to ask for an award, it was on merit, I was very happy, many could have won. I am very happy.”
feeling: “It’s something to be proud of, he’s the best individual in the club, everyone is looking to win, he’ll go down in history. He’ll stay locked and key in my museum. It’ll be worse, nothing gets out, it’ll be well kept.”
Ghala: “It’s always great, there hasn’t been a party in years because of the coronavirus. It’s always special, everyone wants to be part of the party. Being a Dragonado, it’s even more special. We did a good job and that’s proof.”
“Writer. Communicator. Award-winning food junkie. Internet ninja. Incurable bacon fanatic.”